- Scott
- Reference: #219575
- Sold with screw and left side. SET
- Compatibility:
- QR/9 mm x 135 mm
- Scale 700/900 Premium 2014
- Spark 700/900 Premium 2014
- Genius 700/900 Premium 2014
- Can be mounted on all other IDS2 frames with the use of a SRAM/Shimano
- evalds.se
- Tjänster/Service
- Service
- Ramar, Länkage & servicekit
- Växelöron
- Scott Växelöra, IDS 2 135/QR RWS, SET
- Produktbeskrivning
Scott Växelöra, IDS 2 135/QR RWS, SET
Lagerstatus: Ej bekräftad
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